Whale sightings from Mollymook Accommodation
During these past couple of weeks, Mollymook accommodation guests have been treated to some spectacular sight seeing, especially whilst seated enjoying the view from there deck chairs at Mollymook Beach Waterfront.
May and June are the two months the whales are sighted off Mollymook heading north during the whale migration breeding season.
Whilst, September – November is generally the best season to watch the Humpback whales and their newborn, as they pass by on their journey back to their feeding grounds at the south pole. This is the time when they generally come in very close and perform their acrobatic displays of tail waving and belly flopping.
These are the two periods popular among tourist, visiting from Canberra, NSW Highlands and Sydney.
There are reportedly 43 species that travel through Australian waters with the Humpbacks and Southern Rights the most popular in our area, as these two species generally follow a similar route.
June 1 & 2, Mollymook Beach Waterfront guests upon their departure reported a large number of whale sightings each day.
June 3 & 4 Mollymook Beach Waterfront weekend guests likewise reported a large number of whale sightings each day from their balcony.
June 5, incoming Mollymook Beach Waterfront guests reported further sightings from their waterfront accommodation. They later travelled to the Warden Head, Ulladulla lookout where they counted 40 other people also enjoying the whales passing by, heading north.